About Me

My name is Jules and I am a wife, mum and nanna. I have recently taken early retirement from Special Education which was a job that i really loved. I am loving life and fully intend to make the most of it making some fantastic memories along the way. Family and friends are very important to me and I enjoy spending time with them. I love socialising and having a laugh.

Sunday 7 June 2020

Long time no post

Long time, no post

Evening everyone,

Hope everyone is safe and well.  I've not blogged for over a year, apologies for that. There have been many reasons for this but I won't bore you with the details. Lets just say I've had a very eventful 12 months, and ongoing. 
Well, what strange times we are living through. I hope that everyone is safe and coping as well as can be expected at the moment. Who would ever have envisaged a pandemic and all the horrors that it brings. Here in the UK we have just had a little of the lock down lifted. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Whilst I can appreciate that we need to get the economy moving again, I am worried that it may be a tad too early with the number of deaths still so high. 
The whole thing has made me very anxious. I keep saying that I'm not going to watch the news every day but I can't help it as I'm desperate to see some good news. Fingers crossed we are headed in the right direction and we won't have a second peak. I know lots of elderly people who are struggling with the isolation and loneliness. Its so hard on them. 
Massive credit has to be given to the amazing NHS staff. These heroes have put themselves in danger to help others and done an amazing job. So much respect for them, and, all the other key workers who have battled through this awful time. Lets hope they will be rewarded accordingly. They all deserve so much.

Until tomorrow,
Jules x 

I will try to read all comments and reply. Please be polite and kind. Thanks :)

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Evening everyone, Hope you are all safe and well. What terrible stormy weather we are having. We've had a few family birthdays over th...