About Me

My name is Jules and I am a wife, mum and nanna. I have recently taken early retirement from Special Education which was a job that i really loved. I am loving life and fully intend to make the most of it making some fantastic memories along the way. Family and friends are very important to me and I enjoy spending time with them. I love socialising and having a laugh.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Dangerous encounters in the kitchen!

Evening Everyone.
Hope you are all well. Tonight will be a very brief post, I will explain why.
After a really busy and active few days, which consisted of - cleaning mums house from top to bottom, baking and cake decorating for 11 hours solid, carrying a two year old around for a whole day (who incidentally is no lightweight), helping hubby to carry some old and very heavy concrete garden slabs from the car to the back of the property and then spring cleaning my own cottage. I bent down to pop a chicken into the oven to roast on Sunday and something pinged in my back. It stiffened up (my back, not the chicken) and I was in agony. The upshot of this being that I have been a little bit incapacitated for the past two days and even though I'm walking about today, I  am doing so very gingerly.
On top of this I had a call at daft o'clock this morning from my sister in law to say that mum had been taken poorly. So, poorly back or not, I had to jump         (well roll on my side and whimper my way ) out of bed and go to her house. It was like the blind leading the blind, not sure who needed to look after who more? I stayed with her for the whole morning until my brother came home from work and thankfully she's feeling much better.
Thank heavens for my lovely daughter and hubby who have stepped in to cook, wash up and generally keep everything ticking over plus look after me. I am truly blessed.
Anyway, We will be having beef this Sunday as I didn't think chicken was so dangerous!
Take care everyone,
Jules x

I will try to read all comments and reply. Please be polite and kind. Thanks :)


  1. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing a bit better and you are lucky to have family that all pitch in. As for your back, I absolutely dread putting my back out - when you hurt your back (or your feet) you really know about it don't you. I hope it eases soon. Anna

    1. Thankfully I don't usually suffer with my back but have every sympathy for anyone who does after this x

  2. Horrible when your back goes. Feel better soon.

  3. I have a very sore knee at the moment.....well for the last few months actually . I think limping has made my other hip sore too....no fun getting old! Birthday tomorrow......I am trying to ignore it ! My back got sore once when I was just wiping the tiles in the bathroom ! I am only 37 in my head, sadly its the other way round in reality!

    1. Oh dear Frances, is there not someone who can help you with some of the tricky household jobs? I know what you mean about your hip hurting because of your knee. When I used to jog ( no chance of that anymore) I hurt my knee and bizarrely my hip started to hurt too. I asked the Dr about it and he said that because you walk differently so as not to put pressure on your sore knee, it throws your hip out. Can't win eh?
      Hope you're feeling better soon x

  4. Chickens look so innocent don't the? But just try to shove one in the oven and 'PING'.

  5. Thank you for the good and very helpful information. It is very interesting. I love all the things you share and see your beautiful creation. Thank you for sharing with everyone. I know everything about you. It's great and it's great.


I look forward to receiving your messages will try to read and reply to them all. Please be patient and kind.

Evening everyone, Hope you are all safe and well. What terrible stormy weather we are having. We've had a few family birthdays over th...